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Hayward 1-1/2-Inch VariFlo XL Multiport Sand Filter Valve SP0710XALL

Hayward’s VariFlo® XL multiport control valves, engineered for maximum flow at lower pressure drops are the professional’s choice in multiport valves. All VariFlo control valves feature an easy-to-use lever action handle that lets you “dial” up to seven valve/filter functions: filter, backwash, waste, rinse, closed, winter or recirculate. Complete with an integral sight glass that lets you see when the backwashing cycle is completed, our wide selection of valve configurations allows you to match the right VariFlo valve to the proper application; residential, commercial, top-mount or side mount.
- FILTER – For normal filtering and regular vacuuming
- BACKWASH – For cleaning filter sand bed of accumulated debris
- RINSE – Use after completing backwash cycle to ensure all dirty water is rinsed out of the filter to waste
- WASTE – By-passes the filter for draining or lowering pool water level and for vacuuming heavy debris directly to waste line
- RECIRCULATE – Water is recirculated through the valve, by-passing the filter
- CLOSED – Shuts off the flow from the pump to the filter
Visit Hayward for complete information.