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SlideRenu SlideGloss Sprayable Water Slide Finishing Wax, Gallon SR55128

SlideGloss® is a unique sprayable water repellent finishing wax that produces the quickest “WET LOOK SHINE” to dull color faded fiberglass water slides. It has been specially formulated to be easily sprayed-on and immediately wiped-off by your internal maintenance staff or seasonal employees. SlideGloss® requires no rubbing, buffing, cure time or special application tools. Due to its water repellent properties, SlideGloss® provides a protective barrier against scale build up on water sides, aquatic play features, metal, plastic, soft foam slides and many other aquatic structures. The negligible amount of SlideGloss® used WILL NOT CHANGE THE WATER CHEMISTRY OF THE POOL WATER. SlideGloss® is perfect for touching up dull color faded fiberglass water slides when you don’t have time to shut down your water slides and perform a comprehensive restoration using buffing compound and wax. Depending on rider usage, geographic location and weather conditions, one application typically lasts up to 1-2 weeks. One gallon will rejuvenate the interior surface of a standard 300 linear foot open flume body slide, roughly 3,000 sq. ft. A little bit goes a long way!
RECOMMENDED USES: SlideGloss® is recommended to be used on interior riding surfaces and the exterior skin of water slides to bring back a LIKE-NEW SHINE and to quickly enhance appearance. Due to abrasion from riders, it has limited protective qualities on interior riding surfaces. SlideGloss® is a high-viscous solvent based finishing wax with superior wetting agents that can be used anytime a slide is looking dull, in need of a quick “face lift” or to reduce static charge and friction on the ride path. It is ideal to dress up the appearance of a slide prior to a promotional event. It will not attract dust or dirt like most other sprayable waxes. SlideGloss® will enhance the “Slip-n-Shine™“ and assist in the prevention of white haze scale build-up when used in your preventive maintenance program.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: The usual precautionary measures for handling chemicals should be followed but no special clothing, goggles or gloves are required. For SlideGloss® to be effective, the product must be applied to a clean and adequately prepped surface. Any dirt, grease, body-grime, bird droppings, wax and other surface contaminants should be removed first with SlideRenu® SlideDetergent (Refer to Product Data Sheet for Application Instructions). After the surface is washed, it should be rinsed with potable quality water through a pressure washer. To remove calcium build-up and hard water mineral deposits, use SlideRenu® Calcitrol® (Refer to Product Data Sheet for Application Instructions). Rinse the surface with water after using Calcitrol® and let dry before applying SlideGloss®. Shake well before use and apply SlideGloss® directly onto a dry surface in a swirling motion using a clean, white, dry cloth or spray bottle.