Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
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Useful information and tools for safely and efficiently operating your pool, spa or aquatic facility.
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COVID-19 & Aquatics
Useful information and tools for safely operating your aquatic facility during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
ADA Compliance Information
On July 26, 2010, the US Department of Justice released updated ADA Standards for Accessible Design. Among the updates for a number of facility types were new requirements specifically for public swimming pools.
Main Drain / Suction Safety Information
Guidelines and information on suction safety laws including the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act (VGB) and Minnesota's Abigail Taylor Pool Safety Act. Additional Information is also available here. Suction safety products can be found under Main Drain & Suction Safety in our online store.
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Shock (Superchlorination)
You'll need to know your Combined Chlorine reading in parts per million (PPM) before you can use the Shock Calculator. We recommend shocking with either Calcium Hypochlorite (un-stabalized granular only, not tablets) or with Liquid Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite).
Raise Chlorine Level
You should keep your pool or spa Free Available Chlorine (FAC) level between 2.0 & 10.0 parts per million (PPM). *MN only. Consult your local codes as Chlorine limits vary state by state.
Raise Total Alkalinity
You should keep your pool or spa's Total Alkalinity at 60-180 parts per million (PPM).
Lower (Neutralize) Chlorine Level
Sometimes it becomes necessary to quickly reduce the level of chlorine in your pool or spa. One way is to add Sodium Thiosulfate to neutralize the excess chlorine.
Raise Calcium Hardness
You should keep your pool or spa's Calcium Hardness at 150-250 parts per million (PPM).
Raise Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer) Level
Cyanuric Acid should only be used on outdoor swimming pools. It isn't necessary or recommended to use Cyanuric Acid on indoor facilities. You should keep your outdoor pool or spa's Cyanuric Acid level at 0-30 parts per million (PPM).