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Calcitrol ® is a highly concentrated non-fuming low PH organic salt liquid which aids in the removal of calcium carbonate, calcium silicate and other hard to remove soluble salts/scale build-up that cling to the surfaces of water slides and metal / fiberglass aquatic play structures. Calcitrol ® is more effective, biodegradable, contains no VOC’s or phosphates and safer than other surface damaging etching acids such as muriatic, hydrochloric and phosphoric acid. The negligible amount of Calcitrol ® used WILL NOT CHANGE THE WATER CHEMISTRY OF THE POOL WATER.
RECOMMENDED USES: Calcitrol ® is recommended to be used to remove the strongest hard water mineral residue, water line scum and calcium scale build-up on all surfaces of water slides. It may also be used to remove white haze or scale build- up on metal/fiberglass aquatic structures such as slide towers, stair treads, splash pad surfaces, spray features, vinyl aquatic landing pads, soft foam play features, pool decks and water line scum on pool tile.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Protective gloves and tightly sealed goggles must be used when using this product. “THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A CLEANER OR DEGREASER”. For Calcitrol ® to be effective, the product must come in direct contact with the calcium scale build-up or hard water mineral residue. Any dirt, grease, body-grime, bird droppings, wax, and other surface contaminants should be washed first with SlideRenu® SlideDetergent™ (Refer to Product Data Sheet for Application Instructions). After the surface is washed, it should be rinsed with tap water (hot recommended) through a pressure washer. To remove calcium carbonate, a white, crusty deposit one year old or less, dilute 1 part product with 1 part water in a plastic container. To remove calcium silicate, a white-grayish, hard to remove crusty deposit more than one year old, use full strength. “ALWAYS POUR CALCITROL ® INTO WATER AND TEST FIRST ON A SMALL AREA” before descaling the entire surface. Apply Calcitrol ® directly onto the substrate by using a synthetic bristle scrub brush, spray bottle, pump-up sprayer or plastic garden watering can with sprinkling head. Product should begin foaming as it reacts with calcium scale residue and soluble salts.
Lightly sand using 1000 or finer sand paper to remove heavy scale build-up. The product should remain on the surface for approximately 1-2 minutes and then thoroughly rinsed with plenty of tap water (hot recommended) through a pressure washer. Allow surface to dry before compounding, waxing or resurfacing.